This fully online/asynchronous generative course will help writers challenge themselves to focus and develop works of writing that have been started, but aren’t yet "there." This is not a workshop course, nor will the course serve as a critique group. Instead, this course is intended to help writers deepen work they’ve already started, but for various reasons that progress has flagged, drifted, eddied, fatigued. Writers in this class can choose to focus on just one piece of writing that has languished in their desk drawer for years, or they can pick back up on drafts they started just last month, focusing on up to four works of writing. This course and its community members will encourage the generation of new writing that builds on previously-started writing—from fiction to poetry to script writing. Writers in this class can expect two-week units with exercises, due dates, discussions, readings, and—most importantly—structure to focus and develop work they’ve begun but haven’t yet seen through to the draft(s) they’d originally hoped to write. This class is intended to serve as either the "next steps” that follow a writer's work in the foundational generative course "8 Weeks, 8 Starts,” or as the push a writer may need to dig deeper into new work from the past few months or years.
About Our Asynchronous Classes: We use an online platform called Wet Ink for asynchronous classes. Rather than meet at a specific time and place in person or via Zoom, this platform allows writers to log in on their own time to post comments and critiques directly to authors’ works (for 8-week workshops). You can also view deadlines, track revisions, and watch video or listen to audio. At the end of the class, each student will receive an email that contains an archive of all their content and interactions. Everyone who participates in an online workshop will also become part of the ongoing Lighthouse community within Wet Ink, where you can share and receive exercises and calls for submissions. Stay in touch with your fellow students (if you like) via the Lighthouse community when the class has ended. By the end of the day on the Monday that class begins, you’ll receive an invitation to join Wet Ink. There are no browser requirements, and Wet Ink is mobile-friendly. If you have any questions about the technical requirements, please email Students are welcome to enroll up until the Friday of the starting week.