As a nonprofit organization, Lighthouse depends on your support to continue serving writers and readers of all levels and backgrounds. Your contribution allows us to expand our community engagement programs, bring in more visiting authors, and provide Writership financial assistance to participants who need it.
Every dollar counts: Just $53 sponsors one child in a creative writing lab. A $200 donation allows us to run another week of our Hard Times Writing Workshop for adults experiencing homelessness. And $375 or more can send a kid to summer camp or underwrite an 8-week writing workshop for an adult in need. When you donate, you can designate your gift for a specific program or purpose or have us apply it wherever it’s most needed.
Whatever you’re able to contribute, thank you! Your support helps keep Lighthouse and Colorado’s literary arts community bright.

Contributions to Lighthouse allow us to grow our community outreach programs, bring in more visiting authors, and keep our programming affordable for everyone. Make a one-time donation or set up a monthly gift.

With RoundUp, you can seamlessly donate your spare change to Lighthouse, strengthening our community of writers from all walks of life with a small monthly gift of change.

Lighthouse event sponsors reach a highly educated and engaged audience while also showing their support for the literary arts in Colorado. Contact our Development Team to find the package that fits your needs.

Planned Giving
Become a member of our Epilogue Guild by including Lighthouse in your will, IRA, or insurance policy. It's a simple, affordable way to leave a legacy and pave the way for the next generation of Colorado writers.