Andrew Hernández

- Fiction
- Nonfiction

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Andrew Hernandez, PhD, is a writer and teacher. Born in the Chicagoland area, Hernandez’s work has taken him to Puerto Rico, New York, Mali, New Zealand, and now Colorado. A former Contributing Writer for Everyday Feminism magazine, his narrative nonfiction has also appeared in Africa Is a Country and Jadaliyya and the Institute for Global Change. His peer-reviewed nonfiction has appeared in Dialectical Anthropology, American Ethnologist and Encyclopedia of Women & Islamic Cultures, among other academic journals. He also has a chapter published in the edited volume Identités sahéliennes en temps de crise: Histoires, enjeux, perspectives. Hernandez is also passionate about fiction. His short story, “Nine Nicknames,” was a 2022 Pinch Literary Award finalist, and he is revising his first novel. Throughout all of his work, Hernandez is committed to co-conspiring with students/peers to enter justice work through uplifting and celebrating the intersecting communities to which one belongs.