by Tessa Cheek
I promised to write this post dedicated to those who have dedicated themselves to writing in the New Year. That promise is the reason I started typing on a morning I nearly went back to bed. It’s before the solstice and the sun rose at 7:30a.m., or else, an hour later, it is still rising. A purple mass of cloud sits like a toque over Denver, a lid on the sky.
The philosopher Hannah Arendt tells us that forgiveness and promise come before any new thing. So I propose two resolutions: one to yourself and one to another.
First, forgive yourself for being unable to do alone what can only be done with at least one other person in mind, namely write. Second, make a promise to that holy other — the reader. Choose a real person, someone who likes you enough if not to read, then at least to receive, your early words. More importantly, choose someone who will let you know when you’re late. Promises live and die by specificity. Be clear in what you’re committing to, whether it’s 12 pages or 12 words a week.
Or else, find yourself a handful of readers and promise to be one as well. You’ll be surprised by how many more words are available in a community of one’s own. A good place to start is the Lighthouse.
Then, keep your promise: write something new.
Tessa Cheek writes true and not true stories from an old house in Denver.
“Resolution Write” is a blog series offering writing tips from Lighthouse faculty and members. We’ll feature posts throughout January to inspire writers who’ve resolved to make 2015 a productive and successful writing year.