Lit Fest 2025 Visiting Author Feature: Eileen Myles

Lit Fest 2025 Visiting Author Feature: Eileen Myles

Widely renowned, poet, novelist, performer, and art journalist Eileen Myles is a trailblazer whose decades of literary and artistic work, in the words of the New York Review of Books, “set a bar for openness, frankness, and variability few lives could ever match.” Myles is the author of more than twenty books, including a "Working Life” (Grove, 2023), I Must Be Living Twice: New & Selected Poems, and a re-issue of Chelsea Girls

What are you working/currently trying to work on these days?

I am working on a super long novel about love. 

What’s your workshop style, and what can people expect at Lit Fest? 

Very engaged and playful. My workshops tend to spur really productive relationships between the participants. We laugh a lot. I think I attract great people and they like each other. 

If you could only bring three books with you on a deserted island, which ones would you choose, and why?

Borges Fictions, all of Etel Adnan's writings, Lorine Niedecker collected poems. 

What’s one artist or writer more people should know about?

Etel Adnan. Her poems and her prose are astonishing. And she's also a visual artist.

At Lit Fest this summer, Eileen Myles will be teaching their Advanced Weeklong Hybrid Workshop: The Mix. Interested in working with them? Apply today!

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