Poupeh Missaghi

- Hybrid
- Fiction

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Poupeh Missaghi is a writer, translator, and editor. Her debut book trans(re)lating house one was published in 2020 and her second book Sound Museum is forthcoming in 2024 (Coffee House Press). Her most recent translation In the Streets of Tehran, a book of witness narratives, was published by Ithaka Press, UK, in October 2023. She also has another novel in translation, Boys of Love, by Ghazi Rabihavi, forthcoming in 2024 from Wisconsin University Press. An assistant professor of literary arts and studies at the University of Denver and a faculty mentor at Pacific Northwest College of Art MFA, she is currently based in Denver, Colorado.
This is the third class I've taken from Poupeh, and for the third time everyone—EVERYONE—was clamoring for a four-weeker. That's a reflection of how alive we came at Poupeh's content, insight, spirit, and exhortation. I'm actually tearing up as I write this; her classes go far beyond technique to the deepest places of our humanness -- which, of course, our writing is an extension of. Bless Poupeh for every class, and bless Lighthouse for bringing her as often as possible.
Scott Sawyer