Christopher Sims

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  • Community Engagement
Christopher Sims

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Christopher D. Sims is a seasoned creative writer and a performance artist. As a creative writer, Christopher writes everything from poetry, spoken word, rap lyrics, fiction, and essays. Heavily influenced by early rap artists such as LL Cool J, KRS-One, Big Daddy Kane, Rakim, and Kool G. Rap, his poetry and spoken word has rhythm to them. Inspired by the Black Arts Movement, he tackles social justice issues engagingly in his work. As a performance artist, he began performing on stage at Haskell Elementar School in Rockford, IL. Rockford, IL's Dorothy Paige-Turner taught him and encouraged him to share his skills and talents in his fifth and sixth grade talent shows she led. Christopher has published several books, including Super Lyrical (2004), Universal Citizen (2011)If Black Lives Mattered (2015), and the art of being black: a black man's truth in poems (2022). Christopher performs and hosts open mics regularly and often as an artist who remains committed to sharpening his craft.