Lizzie Davis

- Publishing/Career
- Lit Fest

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Lizzie Davis is a senior editor at Coffee House Press and a translator from Spanish and Italian to English. She is passionate about championing writing that subverts, challenges, and broadens narratives available to readers and has worked with writers including Valeria Luiselli, Alia Trabucco Zerán, Mónica Ojeda, K-Ming Chang, and Aurora Mattia. Among her translations are Juan Cárdenas’s Ornamental (a finalist for the 2021 PEN Translation Prize) and The Devil of the Provinces; Elena Medel’s The Wonders, cotranslated with Thomas Bunstead; and work by Pilar Fraile Amador, Daniela Tarazona, and Aura García-Junco. Her cotranslations of Daniela Tarazona's Divided Island and The Animal on the Rock with Kevin Gerry Dunn are forthcoming from Deep Vellum in 2023 and 2024.