This workshop is for practicing writers working on reported narratives, first-person essays, and memoir who are in need of feedback and a supportive writing community to dive deeper into their texts. Through weekly close reading discussions of other texts by acclaimed writers, optional writing/revision exercises, and feedback workshopping, this class will support writers to develop a firm grasp of their project's structure, pacing, character development, essential questions, and the balance of scene and exposition. The goal of this class will be to deepen our writing practice, hone our work on the page, and come away with the strongest versions of the stories we're working to tell. This course will begin by focusing on what we can learn from great writing by published authors, and then segue to include written and verbal critique of writing by participants in workshop format from your instructor and peers. Workshops will be of up to 20 pages of writing.
Prerequisites: Intermediate/Advanced Nonfiction Workshop and/or permission of the instructor. To apply, please email a writing sample (three to five pages) and a brief description of your workshop history to